How about having your own personal virtual card which showcases your company logo, your name, contact, title and a qrcode linked to a link or vcard contact? Sounds interesting?
VCard component takes just some props to create a clean vcard.
Here is one example in action
Here is the list of props that can be used with this component
Prop | Default Value | Description |
profileImage (type = string) | "" | User's profile image url. |
companyLogo (type = string) | "" | Image logo url of the company. |
lineColor (type = string) | "" | Tailwind CSS background color class. |
socialicons (type=ReactNode) | React.Fragment | React component for social icons. |
name (type=ReactNode) | React.Fragment | React component for name of the user. |
contact (type=ReactNode) | React.Fragment | React component for contact details of the user. |
title (type=ReactNode) | React.Fragment | React component for title/designation of the user. |
qrcode (type=ReactNode) | React.Fragment | React component for qrcode. |